Office of Communications2018-08-232018-08-232009-09-01 news item is about: Friday night suppers. Chef’s hats. And, Bob Perry’s spaghetti. Weekly dinners at the Alpha Psi fraternity house are fond memories for Dr. Ann Huntington ’77. The frat house, she recalls, was a haven for good times, relaxing from the rigors of the demanding academic program, and connecting with friends. From the 1930s to the 1980s, Alpha Psi was a strong force at the College of Veterinary Medicine, meeting a very important need for generations of students who needed opportunities to connect with each other. With the rise of new student organizations, Dr. Huntington mused, today’s students have found alternatives for connecting outside of the classroom and exploring professional interests. As such, members of the Board of the Trustees for the Beta Chapter of Alpha Psi decided to look for a new way to serve Cornell’s veterinary community.en-USCornell University. College of Veterinary Medicine -- Periodicals.; Abbott, George A.; Huntington, Ann2009 CVM News: Gift of Alphi Psi fraternity to support clinical fellowshiparticle