Kramer, Stefan2010-09-232010-09-232010-09-23 of paper to be published in the proceedings ( of the conference "Semantic Web & Linked Data - Elemente zukünftiger Informationsinfrastrukturen" (1. DGI-Konferenz, 62. DGI Jahrestagung), held in Frankfurt, Germany from Oct. 7-9, 2010 ( the necessity for developing better methods for the discovery and access of available research data, mounting pressure from funding agencies to make and keep research data accessible for the long term, and the complexity of the relationships of different types and formats of files involved in many studies, social science research data management has emerged as an area of multiple challenges and opportunities for information professionals.en-USResearch Data ManagementSocial SciencesChallenges and Opportunities in Social Science Research Data Managementpreprint