Banda, Tinenenji2020-06-042020-06-042019978-1-7344934-0-5 Southern African Institute for Policy and Research (SAIPAR) is an independent, educational research and development oriented research centre. Through interdisciplinary research, publications, seminars, and dialogue facilitation, the Institute seeks to contribute to improved policy making, research capacity, and governance. The Institute aims to be a catalyst for new ideas and concepts on good governance and development in Zambia and Southern Africa and a documentation centre to serve as an indispensable partner on research and policy analysis. SAIPAR is the host of the Economic Policy Resource Centre (EPRC) and the Zambia Legal Information Institute (Zambialii).While access to justice has many components, the speed with which litigants can have their case disposed of is an important justice indicator. While there is widespread belief that the courts are inefficient, the evidence of this inefficiency is largely anecdotal and impressionistic. There is very little, if any, empirical data on the perfor-mance of Zambian courts. This project seeks to address this gap and examine how efficiently the courts dispense justice and how ordinary citizens seeking legal remedies interface with the judicial system. It is hoped that re-search findings can inform the development of norms and standards that can facilitate sound case management models and accountability.enAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalInstitute for African Development / IADSouthern African Institute of Policy and Research / SAIPARAccess to JusticeCourt Efficiency in ZambiaTinenenji BandaAccess to Justice: Court Efficiency in Zambiabook