Renan, Ernest2005-12-232005-12-231890 Renan was a French philosopher, historian, and scholar of religion. He trained for the priesthood but left the Catholic church in 1845, feeling that its teachings were incompatible with the findings of historical criticism, though he retained a quasi-Christian faith in God. His seven-volume History of the Origins of Christianity (1863-90) includes his Life of Jesus (1863); an attempt to reconstruct the mind of Jesus as a wholly human person. --- Volume 1 - The Life of Jesus --- Volume 2 - The Apostles --- Volume 3 - Saint Paul --- Volume 4 - The AntiChrist --- Volume 5 - The Gospels --- Volume 6 - Comprising the Reigns of Hadrian and Antoninus Pius (A.D. 117-161) --- Volume 7 - Marcus-Aurelius4291 bytestext/htmlenReligionChristianityChurch HistoryEarly ChurchPrimitive ChurchThe History of the Origins of Christianitybook