Gardner, Carrie Rice2008-06-302013-10-082008-06-302013-10-0820020057_GardnerCarrie2002 winner of the John S. Knight Assignment Sequence Prize, this sequence originates from English 141, The Bible and Ancient Authors. The sequence, "Before Creation and After," a series of assignments for the first three essays of the semester, deals with Gilgamesh and the creation stories. In writing the three essays, students progress from gathering quality evidence to being able to analyze that evidence in the form a thought-provoking thesis and supporting paragraphs. Materials in addition to essay assignments with rationales include handouts (e.g. on drafts, developing a thesis, and peer review), and descriptions of related in-class activities such as debates and role-playing. 25 page pdforal presentationrhetorical situationBefore Creation and Afterlearning object