Karszes, JasonAugello, Lauren2022-01-202022-01-202022-01https://hdl.handle.net/1813/110729Trend analysis is an important use of benchmarking within a dairy businesses. While current year performance is important, understanding trends within the business and the industry may provide additional insight into strengths and areas of opportunity. To provide benchmark trends of various financial and performance factors over time, data was utilized from 122 farms that have participated in the Dairy Farm Business Summary and Analysis Project (DFBS) in New York State for six years, from 2015 through 2020. This information is reported on an average basis, the top 25 percent of farms as determined by average return on assets without appreciation over the six years, and the remaining 75 percent of farms. For selected factors, the trends and changes between the top 25 percent of farms and the remaining 75 percent are highlighted.en-USdairyPRO-DAIRYbusinesstrendanalysisbenchmarkfarmsummarySix Year Trend Analysis 2020 New York State Dairy Farms Selected Financial and Production FactorsDairy Farm Business Summary New York State Same 122 Farms 2015 ‐ 2020technical report