Varshney, HimanshuKumar, Aruna2012-03-052012-03-052012-01-19 presentation was given on Thursday, January 19, 2012 11:00am-12:00pm in 2B48 Kroch LibraryHimanshu Varshney, Knowledge Management at ICAR, and Aruna Kumar, editor of The Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, presented a talk about ICAR and their work to bring The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences and The Indian Journal of Animal Sciences online--not just the journals themselves, but the entire process from submission to publication. They have done this successfully for these two journals and are working to bring the publications of the 97 ICAR institutes online in a single portal. Come hear about the unique challenges of electronic publishing faced by a major academic institution in a rapidly developing nation.en-USAgricultural ResearchIndian JournalsAgricultural SciencesKnowledge Management at ICAR (Indian Council of Agricultural Research)presentation