Baker Institute for Animal Health2017-08-182017-08-182015-12-09 news item is about: The first puppies born by in vitro fertilization (IVF) were delivered on July 10, 2015 at the Baker Institute for Animal Health. This advancement could help preserve endangered canid species and open new means for discovery in human and canine genetic diseases. The births are the first time this assisted reproduction technique, in which ova and sperm are brought together to create embryos, has been successfully accomplished in a dog. Taking this several steps further, these embryos were then frozen, stored, and transferred into a female, who gave birth to seven healthy puppies.en-USCornell University. College of Veterinary Medicine -- Periodicals.James A. Baker Institute for Animal Health -- PeriodicalsTravis, Alexander2015 Baker Institute News: First puppies born by in vitro fertilizationFirst successful in vitro fertilization In dogsarticle