Yang, Sybil2013-09-052018-05-272013-05-26bibid: 8267655https://hdl.handle.net/1813/34085The attraction effect (asymmetrically dominated decoy effect) is a widely documented choice phenomenon of preference reversal that holds high relevance for marketers and academics alike. A review of prior research and current experimental results suggest methodological artifacts may have exaggerated the strength and extensibility of the effect in the current literature. Experimentation under more conservative methodologies show the attraction effect exists, but the methodological factors involved in its creation remain elusive. A subsequent quantitative meta-analysis shows the average effect size in the literature to be an approximate 14.7% share gain for a dominating Target option. The effect appears to be weaker as the Target captures more share in the control condition. No other choice option or methodological characteristics were found to be related to the creation or magnitude of the attraction effect.en-USattraction effectasymmetrically dominated decoydecoy effectThe Attraction Effect: An Overview, Its Fragility, And A Meta-Analysisdissertation or thesis