New York State Veterinary College2012-06-122012-06-121899 in this Announcement include: Calendar 1899-1900; Table of Contents; Officers of Administration; Faculty; Veterinary College Directory; Foundation and Objects of the College; Location and Buildings; Admission on Certificate; Admission on Examination; Admission to Advanced Standing; Time of Examinations; Admission to Advanced and Special Work; Residence and Registration; Requirements for Graduation; Schedule of Courses of Instruction; Departments, Methods and Facilities; Research and Advanced Work; Library Facilities; The Roswell P. Flower Library; Veterinary College Seminary; Society of Comparative Medicine; Tuition and Laboratory Fees, Other Expenses; Horace K. White Prizes; Positions as Demonstrator; A: Openings for Veterinarians in America; Appendix B: Legal Requirements for preparatory and professional study for graduation in Veterinary Medicine in the State of New York, Requirements for license to practice V veterinary Medicine in the State of New York; Catalog of Students for the year 1898-1899.en-USNew York State Veterinary College -- PeriodicalsNew York State Veterinary College -- Curricula -- PeriodicalsThe New York State Veterinary College at Cornell University: Announcement 1899-1900article