Li, XinYuan, QingLiu, XiaZhang, QiuQiao, StephenXue, SusanZheng, Liren2023-06-302023-06-302020-04-27 bios and an English language summary are also included.Speakers: Xin Li, Associate University Librarian, Cornell University Library (Host and Moderator); Ms. Yuan, Qing Associate Library Director, Huazhong University of Science and Technology; Ms. Liu, Xia Associate Library Director, Wuhan University Library; Ms. Zhang, Qiu Associate Library Director, Tsinghua University Library; Stephen Qiao, Chinese Studies Librarian, University of Toronto Libraries (Librarian Correspondent); Susan Xue, Head of Information and Public Services, & Electronic Resources Librarian, University of California Berkeley (Librarian Correspondent); Liren Zheng, Curator for the Charles W. Wason Collection on East Asia, Cornell University Library (Librarian Correspondent).为了推动高校图书馆的国际交流,康奈尔大学图书馆和其姐妹馆清华大学图书馆拟于4月28日(星期二)北京时间8:00(美国东部时间4月27日晚上8点)联合举办线上交流会,其主要目的是分享大学图书馆重大疫情防控期间所采取的措施,讨论疫情应对方法。会议全程以中文进行。承蒙几位北美图书馆的双语馆员鼎力协助,分享要点将由他们用英文总结成文,会后和交流会录像一起与北美图书馆界公开分享。Webinar on the topic: actions the academic libraries took during the COVID-19 outbreak in China. Two of the libraries are in Wuhan, the epicenter, and one in Beijing. Their work demonstrates how academic libraries can help during a public health crisis. This webinar was jointly organized with our sister library, Tsinghua University Library. It was conducted entirely in Chinese. A group of bilingual librarians synthesized the key points in English which are shared along with the recording.zhAcademic LibrariesSustainable Development GoalsSDG标题:三个中国大学图书馆在新型冠状病毒疫情防控期间的服务及应对Webinar 4: Three Chinese Academic Libraries’ Experiences during the COVID-19 OutbreakCornell University Webinar Series: How academic libraries can contribute to global developmentvideo/moving image