Kuruvilla, Sarosh2020-11-232020-11-232006-03-01149411https://hdl.handle.net/1813/76935The ILR Impact Brief series highlights the research and project based work conducted by ILR faculty that is relevant to workplace issues and public policy. The Briefs are prepared by Maralyn Edid, Senior Extension Associate, ILR School.Globalization compels developing economies to address workforce skill levels. Reliance on a low-skill, low-wage competitive advantage is perilous because countries with even less developed economies will inevitably undercut local standards. Given the established link between investment in human capital and economic growth, developing countries have a strong interest in fostering continuous skills improvement. Singapore and India are two cases worth noting.en-USRequired Publisher Statement: Copyright by Cornell University.workforcedevelopmentSingaporeIndiaindustryeducationtrainingskillgovernmentbusinesslaborcapitalexportILR Impact Brief - Sustainable Workforce Development: The Paths of Singapore and Indianewsletter