2015-02-032015-02-032015-02-03https://hdl.handle.net/1813/39088Topic: Overview of Digital Projects at the American Museum of Natural History Library. Stacy Schiff and Jennifer Cwiok will present the standards, vocabularies, workflows, and technology implemented for digitized images. Rebecca Morgan and Iris Lee will present the implementation of EAD and EAC standards, workflows, and technology for finding aids. Speakers: • Jennifer Cwiok – Digital Projects Manager, American Museum of Natural History • Iris Lee - Metadata Analyst, American Museum of Natural History • Rebecca Morgan - Project Archivist, American Museum of Natural History • Stacy Schiff - Visual Resources Librarian, American Museum of Natural History Lightning Talks: • Amy Nurnberger – Research Data Alliance meeting, Plenary 4. • Melanie Wacker – Research metadata support • Robbie Blitz – Staff Collection ViewerTopic: Overview of Digital Projects at the American Museum of Natural History Library. Stacy Schiff and Jennifer Cwiok will present the standards, vocabularies, workflows, and technology implemented for digitized images. Rebecca Morgan and Iris Lee will present the implementation of EAD and EAC standards, workflows, and technology for finding aids. Speakers: • Jennifer Cwiok – Digital Projects Manager, American Museum of Natural History • Iris Lee - Metadata Analyst, American Museum of Natural History • Rebecca Morgan - Project Archivist, American Museum of Natural History • Stacy Schiff - Visual Resources Librarian, American Museum of Natural History Lightning Talks: • Amy Nurnberger – Research Data Alliance meeting, Plenary 4. • Melanie Wacker – Research metadata support • Robbie Blitz – Staff Collection Vieweren-USmetadatadigital projectsColumbia Metadata Working Group: Overview of Digital Projects at the American Museum of Natural History Librarysound