Tantillo, James2007-06-132007-06-131994-04-19https://hdl.handle.net/1813/7667Lecture was recorded on a Lapel Microphone, using a Cassette Tape.The Machine In The Garden (also the title of a book by Leo Marx): the Walden Pond restoration project; Martin Lewis, Green Delusions; the biocentric world view; breeding endangered species in captivity; Michael Pollan, Second Nature, A Gardener's Education; the garden metaphor vs. the wilderness metaphor; primitivism, primal purity, decentralization, "appropriate technology", capitalism as evil; Rodman, Four Forms of Ecological Consciousness Reconsidered; the principle of non-intervention, the California Condor, "better dead than bred"..11841536 bytesaudio/mp3en-USReligionEthicsEnvironmentThe Machine In The Garden; Cornell University lecture, Natural Resources 407 (1994-04-19)sound