Kraus, Martine2017-05-222017-05-221996 U.S. plant biotechnology industry has been positively affected by strong domestic regulation. However, European regulation has had a negative effect since companies hesitate to develop export crops for a market with perceived regulatory uncertainty. On the other hand, both U.S. and European medical biotechnology industries are subject to stringent regulatory requirements. Regulation plays an important role in assuring consumer confidence. This is particularly so in a new industry such as biotechnology.en-USAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalAgricultural biotechnologygenetic engineering, recombinant DNAfeed industryenergy industryconsumer sentimentpopulation growthenvironmental impactsbioremediationrisk assessmentregulationglobal market systemInnovation, industrial development and the regulation of biotechnologybook chapter