Brown, BryanFernandez, VenancioHunter, MikeMiller, JeffStanyard, Mike2020-03-062020-03-062019 IPM Type: Project ReportHerbicide resistant waterhemp has spread into New York and caused yield losses for corn farmers. This project aimed to find ways to regain control of this weed in corn and determine the compatibility of more extensive herbicide programs with interseeded annual ryegrass. Our field trial included several treatments that effectively controlled waterhemp. One of the most effective treatments was an integrated program utilizing a reduced rate herbicide, row cultivation, and interseeding. This treatment was slightly more expensive than the other two-pass treatments but the cost may be offset by the benefits of cover cropping. Of the several residual herbicides that were compatible with interseeded annual ryegrass, Callisto provided the most effective control of waterhemp.en-USAgricultural IPMField CropsField CornWaterhempWeedsEffective Waterhemp Control Programs and Compatibility with Interseeding in Corn: 2019 Trialsreport