Darveshi, Shubham2024-03-132024-03-132023https://hdl.handle.net/1813/114355California wildfires have nuanced effects on the landscape of the forests and habitat of wildlife. Some species respond positively to ecological changes while some respond negatively to it. Our purpose was to investigate the effects of 2020 North Complex Fire of Sierra Nevada California on the Occupancy of the Townsend’s Solitaire (Myadestes townsendi). Our hypothesis was that this bird species has benefitted from the patches around the recorder sites burned at high severity. So, we conducted a survey in this region and detected the calls of Townsends solitaire over its breeding season from May to July. We found that there is possibly a positive correlation between high severity fire and occupancy of Townsends Solitaire, negative correlation between elevation, burnt state and the occupancy but we did not find sufficient evidence to conclude that this bird benefitted from this particular wildfire as the models having occupancy covariates were having ΔAIC ≤ 2.en-USAnalysis of the post-wildfire effects on the occupancy of Townsend's solitaire during the breeding season by conducting a single-season single species occupancy modelingdissertation or thesis