Buckley, Ellie2009-03-092009-03-092007-03-26https://hdl.handle.net/1813/12072This report is available only to members of the Library Executive Group.RAU conducted this survey at the request of the Interim University Librarian. The purpose was to determine the extent to which student workers feel working in the library has improved their academic experience. A majority (84%) of Library student workers indicated that they are satisfied to very satisfied with their library job. Most respondents felt that working in the Library improved their study/research practices (68%), improved their knowledge of library services (98%), and improved their educational experience in other ways (80%), and nearly one-third (32%) felt that it helped their grades. Most (79%) think that library should expand student job opportunities. See full report for cautions interpreting the data.en-USCornell University LibraryStudent employmentJob satisfactionLibrary Student Worker Surveyreport