Cackett, Megan2018-10-232018-10-232018-05-30Cackett_cornell_0058O_10267 10489437 purpose of office space has evolved. As the workforce transitions from the baby boomer to the millennial generation, companies are changing their approach to collaborative spaces for knowledge work. Yet, expectations of an ideal workplace differ between cohorts. This study investigates the behavior and perceptions regarding collaboration space held by employees at The Boeing Company. An effort is made to consider the larger organizational ecology. Methods include observations, interviews, and a survey. Results show that there is a generational divide in perception and space use. Facilities should be strategically used as an asset to bridge this divide by aligning change management processes and participatory leadership techniques with workplace design.en-USOrganizational behaviorExperimental psychologycollaboration spacesfacility planning & designmillennial workforceuniversal workplace designworkplace strategyCubes to Collaboration: A Generational Divide In the Workplacedissertation or thesis