Wilcox, Wayne F.2016-03-212018-09-062016-03-212018-09-061992retrieved from: http://nysipm.cornell.edu/factsheets/treefruit/diseases/phyt/phyt.pdfhttps://hdl.handle.net/1813/43116NYS IPM Type: Fruits IPM Fact SheetPhytophthora root and crown rots (sometimes called collar rot) are common and destructive diseases of fruit trees throughout the world. In New York, apple, cherry, peach, and apricot trees are usually attacked, whereas pear and plum trees appear to be relatively resistant. Trees declining from Phytophthora root and crown rots are frequently misdiagnosed as suffering from “wet feet” (root asphyxiation) and are sometimes confused with those suffering from winter injury.en-USAgricultural IPMFruitsTree FruitAppleApricotsCherriesPeaches & NectarinesPhytophthora Root and Crown Rotfact sheet