Klass, CarolynDirig, Robert2006-11-302006-11-301992-03https://hdl.handle.net/1813/3905A project for 4-H Entomology, works well with intermediate or advanced level members. The authors approach butterflies of the Northeast from an inquiring perspective, prompting the reader with questions, some answered and some open-ended. Chapters on butterfly anatomy (male or female, kinds of butterflies) and life history (life cycle, parasitoids, passing the winter, growing butterflies) provide basic information on these beautiful animals; a third chapter summarized their habits, ecology and behavior. A fourth part on butterfly conversation includes a section on gardening to attract butterflies, amplified by appendices listing larval food plants and nectar sources. A section on "Suggested Project for Personal Discovery: indicates many aspects of butterfly study that need further investigation. A chapter on references and resources directs the reader to sources of further information.14002939 bytesapplication/pdfen-USLearning About Butterflies