2005-08-162005-08-161914Budwinskis Sammlung der Erkenntnisse des k.k. Verwaltungs-gerichtshofes. [Budwinski's Collection of the Decisions of the i.r. Supreme Administrative Court.] Vol. XXXVII (1913). Administrativ-rechtlicher Teil [Section on Administrative Law]. August Ritter von Popelka, ed. Vienna: Manz, 1914. Pages 495-98.]. Translated by Jeremy King, 2004. Explanatory remarks and original German phrasing provided in brackets [].https://hdl.handle.net/1813/21583 pagesDecision on the case of Lehar (see document by this author) regarding the practice of nationalizing schoolchildren in Austrian Moravia.84604 bytesapplication/pdfenMoraviaSchoolsNationalizationNationalismCzechsGermansLegal proceedingsAdministrative Court Decision Concerning the National Categorization of Schoolchildren in Moravia, 1913other