Dewing, DaleCerosaletti, Paul E.Morales, MikeWise, Ken2017-04-142017-04-142016 IPM Type: Project ReportCrows, ravens, black birds, starlings, grackles, Canada geese and wild turkeys have been a pest problem annually for corn growers in Delaware County in the Catskills Mountains. Avipel Shield™ is a liquid seed treatment that is classified as a biopesticide designed to deter birds from feeding on the corn seed in a nontoxic manner. We conducted this pilot study to confirm anecdotal reports from other farms and states of the effectiveness of Avipel Shield in deterring birds from feeding on seed in newly planted corn.en-USAgricultural IPMField CropsField CornOpen Field Study with “Avipel Shield” Seed Treatment on Field Corn to Deter Birds from Feeding on Corn Seedlingsreport