Sturman, Michael C.Park, Sanghee2020-09-102020-09-102016-06-018666727 how the relationship between a subordinate and manager develops over time has been a critical matter both for academics and for business. In both academic journals and industry publications, some writers have argued that the relationship is driven by perceptions of fairness and treatment, and that developing the relationship can lead to better performance. Others have argued that higher performers get better treatment and resources, which results in superior relationships with their managers. There is really no clear answer of what comes first—perceptions of fairness, satisfaction with the supervisor, or job performance—and which leads to which.en-USRequired Publisher Statement: © Cornell University. This report may not be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of the publisher.perceptions of fairnessemployee-supervisor relationshipssimulationsThe Changing Relationship between Supervisors and Subordinates: How Managing This Relationship Evolves over Timearticle