Barazangi, Nimat Hafez2006-08-032006-08-032005-12-15 document is mainly in English. However, some items are also added in Arabic. Eventually, an Arabic version of the primer will be posted on the same siteA Primer in Deploying and Evaluating Action Research. The following pages/slides (images) focus on introducing the State-of-the-art in theoretical and methodological foundations of action research (AR) in the form of a primer in deploying and evaluating AR. This primer is designed to be relatively simple, but mainly interactive. We searched both printed references and Internet sites looking for such a comprehensive document, but without any success. Of course, we did find publications that discuss different approaches to action research and different ways of instructing in AR. We have used different elements from these available publications while developing our own system (see references). This document represents an interactive action research framework that is also context- and client-based. That is, we discuss the different components of an action research program based on how relevant a particular component was thought to be for the intended context and as a result of the intended process for the clients. Needless to say, this document will be revised and updated as we receive comments and suggestions from the readers/participants.Please send your comments and suggestions to Dr. Nimat Hafez BARAZANGI722212 bytesapplication/pdfen-USAction ResaerchPrimerDeployingEvaluatingBilingualSyrian Higher EducationA Bilingual Primer in Deploying and Evaluating Action Research:presentation