Warner, Mildred2009-01-072009-01-072006https://hdl.handle.net/1813/11677This is a web archive of the site http://government.cce.cornell.edu/Fiscal stress, changing public expectations and shifting responsibilities for services due to devolution have prompted many local governments to consider restructuring service delivery. This web site is designed to provide local governments with information on restructuring trends and innovations in public sector service provision, public-private partnerships, privatization, inter-municipal cooperation and contracting back-in. Local government is concerned with promoting economic development and Professor Warner's research explores the role of collaboratives and investments in social infrastructure, such as child care, on economic development. She co-directs the National Linking Economic Development and Child Care Project. The website contains many economic studies and tools useful for economic developers, local government officials and child care policymakers.enweb siteDepartment of City and Regional PlanningCornell Cooperative Extensionlocal governmenteconomic developmentpartnershipsRestructuring Local Governmentother