Parihar, Aditi2024-05-172024-05-172024-05-17 Development (TOD) integrates land use and transport planning to promote sustainable urban living. This project aims to develop a comprehensive TOD index for New Jersey, addressing the lack of spatially explicit measurement tools. The project evaluates potential TOD sites (including light rail stations, bus stations, and park-and-ride facilities) based on indicators such as land use, economy, sustainability, engagement, investment, and equity using Geographic Information Systems (GIS). The methodology includes a thorough literature review, justification for selecting New Jersey, and spatial analysis using ArcGIS Pro. Findings highlight key areas suitable for TOD along with patterns offering a practical tool for planning agencies and stakeholders to prioritize and implement successful TOD initiatives, thereby enhancing access to public transportation, reducing vehicular pollution, and promoting healthier lifestyles.en-USTransit, Land Use, TOD, GIS, Transportation, PlanningTransit-Oriented Development (TOD) Index: Identifying New Jersey’s TOD Potentialreport