Hallman, William K.2017-06-082017-06-082015https://hdl.handle.net/1813/51467Data show that the vast majority of Americans know little or nothing about GE foods or foods containing GE ingredients in their supermarkets. There is considerable confusion among consumers: ingredients thought to be GE-derived are often not, there is uncertainty whether foods containing GE products are currently available, and most don’t know that they are consuming foods containing GE ingredients. While many consumers are uninformed about GE foods, they readily develop opinions that can influence their attitudes and decisions regarding these foods. Interestingly, purchasing decisions tend to solidify people’s opinions about the nature of their food, further supporting their beliefs by adjusting information to conform to those beliefs.en-USAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalAgricultural biotechnologysustainabilitystewardshipgenetical engineeringGMOGE cropsresistanceresistance managementcoexistenceseed industrylabelinginsect resistanceDo American consumers want GM food labeling? It depends on how you ask the questionbook chapter