Yang, Lei2018-10-032018-10-032017-12-30Yang_cornell_0058O_10239http://dissertations.umi.com/cornell:10239bibid: 10474144https://hdl.handle.net/1813/59041This thesis explores the factors involved in the application of virtual reality technology to historic preservation through a review of the literature on the history of virtual reality, two case studies on the use of virtual reality at Chinese heritage sites, and a social science experiment. The results indicate that virtual reality can facilitate heritage preservation through improved visual presentation and interpretation of site content, tourism management, documentation technology, public participation, and cross-cultural communication. Virtual reality technology challenges traditional preservation norms as it generates an immersive environment that meets the needs of a wider audience, regardless of place and time. Virtual reality technology enhances the interactive experience between heritage objects and users. As is the case for all human-computer interactions, virtual reality technology has a cultural component, which requires further research.en-USHistoryHuman-Computer InteractionHistoric PreservationCommunicationVirtual RealitydocumentaryVirtual Reality and Historic Preservationdissertation or thesishttps://doi.org/10.7298/X4BG2M5N