Anderson, Chris K.Han, Saram2020-09-102020-09-102016-04-058421383 reviews have become a critical aspect of the travel research process, as evidenced, for instance, by TripAdvisor having over 350 million unique monthly visitors.1 One benefit of these posted reviews is that hotels can address issues raised by consumers in an effort to improve consumer satisfaction along with review scores. Given the importance of consumer reviews, one goal for hotels is to find ways to improve their social media performance (with a goal of boosting financial outcomes). In this report we examine the effects of reviews posted on TripAdvisor to look at non-operational and relatively inexpensive ways in which hoteliers can improve their performance, both on the review sites themselves and in terms of actual hotel revenue and sales performance.en-USRequired Publisher Statement: © Cornell University. This report may not be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of the travel agentsconsumer reviewsguest ratingshotel revenueHotel Performance Impact of Socially Engaging with Consumersarticle