Redhead, C. Stephen2020-11-172020-11-172007-05-02306347[Excerpt] On April 25, the House passed the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2007, H.R. 493, on a vote of 420-3. Earlier, the measure was reported by the Education and Labor Committee (H.Rept. 110-28, Part I), the Ways and Means Committee (H.Rept. 110-28, Part II), and the Energy and Commerce Committee (H.Rept. 110-28, Parts III & IV). The Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee approved similar legislation (S. 358) on March 29, and filed its report (S.Rept. 110-48) on April 10. S. 358 is awaiting Senate floor action. The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act would restrict health insurers’ and employers’ acquisition and use of genetic information in several ways. These restrictions build upon those already imposed in federal law.en-USNo Copyright - United Stateshealth insurancediscriminationhealth plansmarketfederalgovernmentHouseSenateUnited StatesbenefitGenetic Nondiscrimination in Health Insurance: A Side-by-Side Comparison of the Title I Provisions in H.R. 493 and S. 358article