Hernandez, Norma Araceli2019-04-022019-04-022018-12-30Hernandez_cornell_0058O_10454http://dissertations.umi.com/cornell:10454bibid: 10758018https://hdl.handle.net/1813/64878The following thesis will present two research projects that provide support for the distinct neural structures involved in memory retrieval, specifically, in tasks that require the use of context and categorization. The first chapter will summarize the two lines of research. In the second chapter, I conclude that the anterior olfactory nucleus and the ventral hippocampus are necessary to support the retrieval of contextually cued memory. In the third chapter, I conclude that the medial prefrontal cortex is necessary in order to resolve interference and to make switches in odor categories.en-USAnterior Olfactory NucleusCategorizationContextMedial Prefrontal CortexVentral HippocampusMemoryNeurosciencesMEMORY RETRIEVAL MECHANISMS IN CONTEXT-DEPENDENT AND CATEGORIZATION MEMORY TASKSdissertation or thesishttps://doi.org/10.7298/kdtq-3z88