Cornell Small Farms Program2015-05-052015-05-052012-10-01 Farm Quarterly is for farmers and farm families — including spouses and children - who value the quality of life that smaller farms provide.CONTENTS: SMALL FARM PROGRAM UPDATE -Cornell Small Farms Program Update, Page 3; BOOK NOOK -The Business of Growing Green Ideas: The small farm book business grows organically, by Jill Swenson, Page 5; BUSINESS MANAGEMENT -Legal Risks of Direct Marketing Your Product, by Jason Foscolo, Page 4; COMMUNITY AND WORLD -The Cheney Letters, by Stewart Cheney, Page 7; FARM TECH -Water Saving Strategies for Your Farm & Garden, by Patricia Brhel, Page 16; Vegetable Equipment Considerations for New Farmers, by Sara Runkel and Tianna DuPont, Page 16; FARM ENERGY -Compost Power! by Sam Gorton, Page 6; HORTICULTURE -Chyrsanthemum White Rust: Good Management Prevents Major Losses, by Elizabeth Lamb, Margery Daughtrey and Margaret Kelly, Page 19; Cucumber Downy Mildew, by Michael Mazourek, Page 19; LOCAL FOODS & MARKETING -What Makes Vermont’s Award-Winning Cheese Engine Run?, by Martha Herbert Izzi, Page 9; Faces of our Food System: Red Rabbit, by Becca Jablonski, Page 8; NEW FARMERS -Loan Opportunities for New Farmers, by Kristie Schmitt, Page 13; Holistic Training Helps Women Farmers Thrive, by Ann Adams, Page 14; New farm, Old Farmland, by Michael Chameides, Page 13; NORTHEAST SARE SPOTLIGHT -Taking Tourism as High as a Hot Air Ballon, by Rachel Whiteheart, Page 18; PHOTO ESSAY -Dairy Delight, Page 12; RESOURCE SPOTLIGHTS -Marketing Help for Sheep & Goat Farmers, by tatiana Stanton, Page 12; STEWARDSHIP & NATURE -Happy Cows, Healthy Fish, by Carley Stei, Page 5; YOUTH PAGES -The Next Generation of Small Farmers, Page 10en-USAgricultureFarmingSmall Farm Quarterly - Fall 2012periodical