Dines, Allen J.2017-06-082017-06-082006https://hdl.handle.net/1813/51233University Research Park in Madison provides an instructive case study of how favorable outcomes can arise from university-established parks focused on fostering commercialization of university research. Wisconsin has a long-term record in technology transfer; the irradiation of milk to produce vitamin D in the 1920s is a seasoned example. Recently, several companies have expressed interest in relocating to the Madison area as a result of opportunities resulting from association with the university-research environment.en-USAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalAgricultural biotechnologytechnology transferintellectual propertyregulationgenetic engineeringpublic goodbioethicsskill developmentpublic funding, industry fundingFrom equines to economic development: The story of the University Research Parkbook chapter