Barseghyan, LevonMolinari, FrancescaThirkettle, Matthew2021-10-022021-10-022021-10 code is licensed under a BSD license. Please see LICENSE.txt in the zipped bundle for details.We present the discrete choice under risk with limited consideration MATLAB package. The package implements the method to identify and carry out inference in models of decision making under risk with limited consideration as proposed by Barseghyan, Molinari, and Thirkettle (2021). This manual provides details on how to use the package to replicate the empirical application in Sections V of Barseghyan et al. (2021). Access to the data can be requested from the authors (see required agreement in the ZIP file).en-USdiscrete choiceheterogeneous consideration setsrandom utilityrisk preferencesDiscrete Choice Under Risk with Limited Consideration in Matlabdataset