Jackson, Rodney2016-07-072016-07-072015-01-20https://hdl.handle.net/1813/44441Research and our own experience shows that profitability of your business is significantly impacted by how engaged your employees connect to the enterprise. In fact, organizations that have measured organizational climate and engagement have on average 21% higher levels of productivity than those with disengaged employees. They also have significantly lower turnover of employees, lower absenteeism, and significantly fewer safety incidents. Understanding and measuring your current organizational climate allows you to see how you are doing today and develop specific behaviors and practices to create a highly effective organization that gets results. In this session, we will discuss the research on engagement, some methods of measuring it, and how leaders lead their businesses to a more fulfilling and productive climate.en-USEmployee engagementorganizational climateIncreasing Employee Engagement: Getting the Best Through Understanding Your Organizational Climatepresentation