Cornell Feline Health CenterAppleton, Judith2012-04-042012-04-042010Cornell Feline Health Center Annual Report 2010 in this Annual Report include: Mission; Table of Contents; Director's Message (Judy Appleton); Feline Symposium Marks 20th Year; Cornell Feline Health Center Addresses Feral Cat Overpopulation in Memory of Dr. Jim Richards; When Good Systems Go Bad (Gary Whittaker); Addressing the Role of Amoeba in Feline Corneal Disease (Eric Ledbetter); Feline Dermatology Research: More Than Skin Deep (Danny W. Scott); Scholarships; Don and Rita Powells' Gift: Surfing an Improved Feline Website; The Power of Many Gifts; Elizabeth's Wish List: Ways You Can Help; Fred Scott Receives 2009 Daniel Elmer Salmon Award; Honor Roll of Giving; Feline Health Center FY10 Faculty and Staff; Resources for Cat People: Dr. Louis J. Camuti Memorial Feline Consultation and Diagnostic Service, Videos on the Web, Publications.en-USCornell Feline Health Center -- PeriodicalsCats -- Diseases -- PeriodicalsCornell Feline Health Center Annual Report 2010report