2006-06-082006-06-081998-04https://hdl.handle.net/1813/3191Newsletter Number 69 includes The Chairman's Notebook, Lab Notes: Undergraduate Research - A Perspective by Frank DiSalvo, Chemical helps ants remember where they left their food, shows promise for Alzheimer's disease; Cornell scientists report excited ants follow pheromone trail of same chemical they will use to paralyze their prey; Wild tomatoes yield formula for nontoxic insect repellent, Cornell researchers say; U.S. patent granted to 'Non-cyclic Esters for Pest Control"; Faculty News, Department News, and News from Alumni and Friends8503387 bytesapplication/pdfen-USChemistryThe Newsletter of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Cornell University Number 69, April 1998Cornell Chemistry Number 69, April 1998periodical