Sturman, Michael C.2020-09-122020-09-122005-02-014844731[Excerpt] In a continuous effort to improve the value of the Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly for its readership, I am pleased to announce the introduction of a new feature: Cornell Quarterly Cases (CQCs). The purpose of this feature will be to provide readers with examples that illustrate current industry problems, highlight emerging issues, or provide background on crucial topics. It is my vision that these cases will have value to experienced professionals who deal with the topics addressed by the cases, practitioners who want to stay abreast of key topics, those interested in continuous education and improvement, trainers, teachers, and students of the hospitality industry.en-USRequired Publisher Statement: © Cornell University. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration QuarterlyCornell Hotel and Administration Quarterly CasesIntroducing <i>Cornell Quarterly</i> Casesarticle