Lake-Bakaar, Geri2009-07-312009-07-312006-08-23 studies have demonstrated compliance rates of less than 50% for treatment of complex diseases. Client education regarding disease and its treatment can significantly improve compliance. The veterinarian must educate the client, as surrogate patient, to make important decisions that will determine treatment outcome. The client's misunderstanding of the disease may be life-threatening. Studies in the medical field have identified patient education as a primary means towards improving compliance. Diabetes mellitus is one of the most commonly diagnosed endocrine disorders in cats. It is a complex disease and poor client compliance can make treatment either difficult or unsuccessful. Compliance is poor in human medicine and anecdotally low in veterinary medicine. The goal of this educational documentary video was to educate clients about diabetes mellitus and the importance of early and diligent treatment. A study, to assess the effect of viewing the video on client treatment intentions is currently being designed.en-USConsumer education -- Audio-visual aidsPatient complianceThe emerging role of multimedia in client educationterm paper