Wang, Yunqin2023-03-312023-03-312022-12Wang_cornell_0058_11664 pagesCommunities are built upon the collective memory related to public spaces. Engagement from the public generates a living atmosphere and a welcoming vibe, which brings about commercial opportunities. Especially in the past two decades, architects have been making efforts to expand the forms and programs of public spaces. Then, apart from the form and program, is there another perspective to innovate public spaces?Following the trajectory of Architecture + Representation, I explored how digital mediums could stimulate the interactions between visitors in public spaces that can escape time and spatial constraints, which means visitors coming to the space at a different time and visitors being in different physical spaces at present could still interact with each other and create a new form of collective memory. I have developed designs using cross-disciplinary skills and resources to present what might be possible to help redefine the interaction between visitors in public spaces. I believe that these proposals could facilitate the public space revolution in the future.enAttribution 4.0 InternationalDigital MediaPublic SpaceNew forms of Interactions in Public Spacesdissertation or thesis