Ochs, MarySolla, LeahTaube, MarisueWicks, Scott2009-01-082009-01-082001-05http://www.library.cornell.edu/staffweb/AlumniAccessTaskForce.pdfhttps://hdl.handle.net/1813/11698Sarah Thomas, University Librarian, created the Alumni Access Task Force and charged the group with examining potential services that Cornell University Library might provide to our alumni. The group was also asked to determine whether there is a sustainable market for those services. Specific recommendations requested were: (1)Should we offer services to alumni; (2) What services might be offered; (3) How might we deliver them; (4) What would be the cost; (5) What should be the timetable for development.en-USCornell University LibraryAlumni AccessAlumni Access Task Force Final Reportreport