Zitter, Thomas A.McGrath, Margaret T.2017-03-092017-03-092000https://hdl.handle.net/1813/46685ReportA new vegetable disease web site for the identification of diseases of vegetables was launched in 2000, and entitled Vegetable MD Online. The site can be accessed at the following address: http://ppathw3.cals.cornell.edu/Extension/VegetableDiseases/Home.htm. Eventually the site will provide coverage of all major diseases of vegetables commonly grown in New York and in surrounding states in the Northeast. Many of the disease descriptions entered to date are based on the very successful Vegetable Fact Sheet series developed through Media Services at Cornell University. An important aspect of these Fact Sheets is the use of full color photographs depicting the most common signs and symptoms of vegetable diseases. Two other areas of importance covered in this site are the Photo Gallery and News Articles and Disease Alerts. Within the Photo Gallery, visitors can find additional pictures illustrating the diseases described, but not included, in the original Fact Sheet. This will be continually updated so that variations in disease appearance can be included. The News Article/Disease Alerts sections will be updated on a regular basis, and will include disease feature articles that agents can include in their service letters. Useful links to other web sites are provided in the left side menu bar.en-USAgricultural IPMVegetablesCommunicationDevelopment of a Web Page on Identifying and Managing Diseases of Vegetable Crops In NYreport