Cardon, Julie Mae2022-03-082022-03-082021-12 capstone paper is a reflection on the experiences of a returned Peace Corps volunteer and student in the Global Development program at Cornell. Definitions of development and their reprocussions are examined in comparing various characteristics of the Comoros Islands and United States. The context of agriculture in the Comoros from an over-arching statistical standpoint and in light of a case study in Wanani, Mwali is presented. Agroecology as a means of agricultural and social development is posited. Questions meant to to stimulate community dialogue in Wanani are enumerated along with questions for communities in the United States.en-USAttribution 4.0 InternationalREFLECTIONS ON DEVELOPMENT AND AGRICULTURE THROUGH THE LENS OF PEACE CORPS EXPERIENCE IN THE COMOROS ISLANDSterm paper