Wu, Jiawei2024-01-312024-01-312023-05Wu_cornell_0058O_11795http://dissertations.umi.com/cornell:11795https://hdl.handle.net/1813/113962As the world progressed from the industrial age to the post-industrial age, and now grapples with the Anthropocene, the role of architecture has undergone a significant transformation. The emphasis has shifted from facilitating rapid construction and promoting diversity to a more focused approach on environmental considerations. Architects are now entrusted with the task of sculpting new paradigms that harmonize current societal needs with the urgency of preserving the planet for future generations. This degree book serves as a testament to an academic journey exploring the confluence of architecture and ecology (A+E). Informed by a series of related courses, it captures the author's deep immersion, intellectual evolution, and commitment to transcending traditional architectural boundaries. The overarching aim is to champion new approaches that centralize environmental consideration within the built environment.enArchitecture in the Anthropocene: A Journey Through Evolution, Impact, and Innovationdissertation or thesishttps://doi.org/10.7298/p2bm-rt16