Donald Tobias
Extension Associate,Sr
HENYExtWeb Bio Page
Current Activities
Current Professional Activities
Donald Tobias joined the College of Human Ecology in 1980 and has worked primarily in the area of extension and outreach. His professional career has focused on public sector and community research with and emphasis on health, government, and education. Areas of planning and management are core to this activity. Professor Tobias teaches courses in the area of management and community health. Dr. Tobias currently serves as the Executive Director of Cornell University Cooperative Extension in New York City.
Current Research Activities
Dr. Tobias currently serves as Principal Investigator for “Institutional Clinical and Translational Center”, funded by National Institutes of Health in the amount of $1,485,450. This is a sub-contract with Cornell Weil Medical College and their $49 million dollar Translational Research grant. The focus of Dr. Tobias activities is community engagement and medical research. Dr. Tobias is also collaborating with Dr. Gilbert Botvin of Cornell Weil Medical College on a National Institutes of Health project entitled, “A Collaborative System Approach for the Diffusion of Evidence-Based Prevention”, with funding pending in the amount of $530,362.
Current Extension Activities
Dr. Tobias provides leadership to the sixty five person office of Cornell Cooperative Extension in New York City. Program activities include: Health and Nutrition, Family and Youth Development, Urban Environment, and Alternative Energy Development. Dr. Tobias also serves as the President of the Extension Senate.
Biographical Statement
Dr. Tobias has worked in the areas of community education and development for over twenty years with expertise in group process, planning and evaluation. His principal contexts for his work have been public education, government, and community health. More recently, Dr. Tobias has taught courses in Non Profit Management and provided technical assistence to a number of non profit and government agencies.
Donald Tobias received his BA degree from Alma College with majors in the areas of History and Communication. He holds a Masters degree from Central Michigan University in Communication and an Education Specialist Certification in Education Administration. Dr. Tobias received his Ph.D. from Michigan State University in Higher Education Administration with additional course work in management and marketing from Syracuse University.
Administrative Responsibilities
Donald Tobias serves as Executive Director of the Cornell University Cooperative Extension office in New York City [CUCE-NYC]. CUCE-NYC has a staff of sixty five employes and provides research based programs as part the Cornell University Land grant mission.Additionaly, Dr. tobias serves asChairman of the Board of New York City Young Leaders a collaberative project of New York City Mayors Office, Center for Tolerence, Cornell Cooperative Extension-New York City and The American Friends of Isreal League. During 2007 Dr. Tobias served as President of the New York State Cooperative Extension Senate.
Courses, Websites, Pubs
Morton, L.W. and D. Tobias. 1997. Strengthening Community: Health Solutions Cornell Cooperative Extension, Cornell University.
Tobias, D. 1995. Rural Health Task Force. In Rural Health Network Development Handbook. New York State Department of Health.
Tobias, D. 1995. For the Common Good: A Strategic Plan for Leadership and Volunteer Development. National Extension Task Force. United States Department of Agriculture.