Welcome to another issue of the FRB Community Newsletter. It's a short month, but the issue is still packed with new results from the trenches! We hope you find it useful. Meanwhile, last month we asked you, our readers, to take a
3-question survey to refine our demographics. Many of you have responded already - thank you! If you haven't yet, could you please take a few seconds to help us out?
Please click here, and thanks again. This survey will close in mid-March.
In response to queries about the number of FRBs we report vs those listed by the Transient Name Server (TNS): here is a
bookmarkable link to extract all FRBs known to the TNS.
- Bright bursts were reported from FRB 20201124A from both the Westerbork RT-1 25m telescope (ATel 15190, 15192) and the Apertif system on the full Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope array (ATel 15197).
Upcoming Meetings and Conferences
Timing and Imaging of compact sources with SKA pathfinders: 6 - 12 June 2022 in Kerastari, Greece. Pre-registration is now open at the
conference website.
FRB 2022: The Dawn Of Cosmology & Multi-Messenger Studies With Fast Radio Bursts: FRB 2022 will take place as part of the IAU General Assembly, 2 - 4 August, 2022 in Busan, South Korea. Abstract submission is now open at the
conference website.
Relevant Job Listings
-- Tenure track assistant professor in multi-messenger and time-domain astrophysics at University of Nevada Las Vegas. Qualified FRB researchers are invited to apply. Contact Bing Zhang and see the
AAS Job Register.
Do you have an item for future newsletters? Please send these via email to the editors (Emily and Shami) to be included in an upcoming issue.