This README.txt file was created by Douglas S. Hamilton on 29/08/2020 GENERAL INFORMATION Title of dataset: Data from: Recent (1980 to 2015) trends and variability in daily-to-interannual soluble iron deposition from dust, fire, and anthropogenic sources. Contact information: Douglas S. Hamilton, Cornell University, Sponsorhip information: DSH, LL, and NMM would like to acknowledge support from DE-SC000679, DE-SC0016362, and Cornell Atkinson Center for Sustainability funding. JFK acknowledges support from National Science Foundation (NSF) grants 1552519 and 1856389. HM was supported by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (MEXT/JSPS) KAKENHI Grant Numbers JP17H04709 and JP19H05699, by the MEXT Arctic Challenge for Sustainability (ArCS) and ArCS-II projects, and by the Environment Research and Technology Development Fund (2–1703 and 2-2003) of the Environmental Restoration and Conservation Agency. SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION Recommended citation for the data: Hamilton, D.S., Scanza, R.A., Rathod, S.D., Bond, T.C., Kok, J.F., Li, L., Matsui, H., and Mahowald, N.M. (2020) Data from: Recent (1980 to 2015) trends and variability in daily‐to‐interannual soluble iron deposition from dust, fire, and anthropogenic sources. [Dataset] Cornell University Library eCommons Repository. Related article: Hamilton, D. S., Scanza, R. A., Rathod, S. D., Bond, T. C., Kok, J. F., Li, L., et al. (2020). Recent (1980‐to‐2015) trends and variability in daily‐to‐interannual soluble iron deposition from dust, fire, and anthropogenic sources. Geophysical Research Letters, 47, e2020GL089688. Related article: Rathod, S.D., Hamilton, D.S., Mahowald, N.M., Klimont, Z., Corbett, J.J., & Bond, T.C. (2020). A mineralogy‐based anthropogenic combustion‐iron emission inventory. Journal of Geophysical Research:Atmospheres, 125, e2019JD032114. These data are being shared under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) License The data are free, and may be shared and adapted, but attribution to the orinial authors is required. DATA AND FILE OVERVIEW File list: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Relationship between files: Deposition by aerosol source in files 1-6, emissions related to anthropogenic iron in file #7 METHODOLOGY Description of emissions and modelling setup used to generate this data can be found in Hamilton et al. (2020) Description of anthropogenic iron emissions (for Year 2010), on which the transient anthropogenic iron emission dataset in this study is based: Rathod et el. (2020) DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION Number of model cases: 2 (CAM6 daily deposition and multi-model (CAM4-6) mean monthly deposition) Number of deposition variables in daily files: 1 (sum of dry and wet deposition) Number of deposition variables in monthly files: 6 (sum of dry and wet deposition) Number of anthropogenic iron emission variables: 2 (fine mode and coarse mode total and soluble iron emissions from Anthropogenic activity) Variable list: In file #1: DUST (Dust daily deposition; kg/m2/s) In file #2: SFe (Soluble iron from all sources (dyst+fire+anth) daily deposition; kg/m2/s) In file #3: SFeDU (Soluble Iron from Dust daily deposition; kg/m2/s) In file #4: SFeBB (Soluble Iron from Fire daily deposition; kg/m2/s) In file #5: SFeAN (Soluble iron from Anthropogenic Activity daily deposition; kg/m2/s) In file #6: DUST, SFe, SFeDU, SFeCO (sum of SFeBB+SFeAN), SFeBB, SFeAN (monthly deposition; kg/m2/s) In file #7: Fine_TotFe, Coar_TotFe, Fine_SolFe, Coar_SolFe (Total and Soluble iron monthly emissions for Fine and Coarse sized particles; kg/m2/s)