Current Professional Activities Cornell University Graduate Field Membership: Nutrition; Epidemiology; Public Affairs; Anthropology; Community Development.
Societies: American Society for Nutrition, American
Association of Public Health, Society for the Policy Sciences,
Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management, Society for Risk
Recent Policy Setting and Outreach: Institute of
Medicine Committee on School Nutrition Standards (member); World
Bank Nutrition Section, on-going (consultant); Development of policy
recommendations as part of the Lancet series on undernutrition (project
member, author); Development of a global nutrition strategy for the
Gates Foundation (member, Cornell PI); Expert Consultation in UNICEF's Global Nutrition Strategy (member); Expert Consultation on WHO's Nutrition Landscaping Analysis (member); Dialogues on the Global Nutrition Architecture (participant); the Innocenti Meeting on Micronutrient Program Assessment (participant).
Current Research Activities Research Interests: Improved methods
for nutrition policy analysis and development; institutional
arrangements for nutrition in developing countries; mainstreaming nutrition in Peru, Bolivia, Guatemala, Vietnam and Bangladesh; the Whole Community Project for addressing childhood obesity (Ithaca/Tompkins County); Development and testing of a micronutrient program assessment tool; Perspectives of congressional staffers, stakeholders and citizens on childhood obesity (student project).
Current Extension Activities The Whole Community Project for addressing childhood obesity in
Ithaca/Tompkins County; the Mainstreaming Nutrition Initiative for
addressing undernutrition in developing countries; consultation and interactions with World Bank, UNICEF, WHO and Gates Foundation on global nutrition policy and strategies.
Biographical Statement My interests relate to the formulation, implementation and evaluation
of nutrition policy in developed and developing countries, with a
special interest in innovative approaches for policy analysis and
development. Recent work includes mainstreaming nutrition in Bolivia, Peru and Guatemala, development and testing of a micronutrient program assessment tool in four countries and the Whole Community Project for the prevention of childhood obesity in Ithaca/Tompkins Country, New York.
PhD 1984 Pennsylvania State University Anthropology
MA 1979 Pennsylvania State University Anthropology
BA 1977 University of Arizona Anthropology
BS 1977 University of Arizona Biology
Courses, Websites, Pubs
Courses Taught NS3500: Epidemiology in Context NS4600: Explorations in Global Health NS4550/Govt4580: Actors and Interests in Global Health (Cornell in Washington only)
Selected Publications
Jennifer Bryce, Denise Coitinho, Ian Darnton-Hill, David Pelletier, Per Pinstrup-Andersen. (2008).Maternal and child undernutrition: Effective Action at the National Level. Lancet 371(9611): 510-526. .
Pelletier, D.L. (2008). Beyond Partial Analysis. Chapter 34, IN: Nutrition and Health in Developing Countries. 2nd Edition. R.Semba and M.Bloem (Eds), Humana Press.
Tao, M., Pelletier, DL and Miller, D. (2007). The Potential Effect of Iron Defortification on Iron Deficiency Anemia in the U.S. Population. Public Health Nutrition 10(11):1266-1273.
Pelletier, D.L. (2006) Science, Law and Politics FDA’s GE Foods Policy: Scientific, Legal and Political Dimensions Food Policy 31(6):570-91.
Pelletier, D.L. (2005). The Science and Politics of Targeting: Who Gets What, When and How. Journal of Nutrition 135:890-893.
Pelletier, D.L. and E.A. Frongillo (2003) Changes in Child Survival Are Strongly Associated with Changes in Malnutrition in Developing Countries. Journal of Nutrition 133:107-119.
Kraak, V., D.L. Pelletier and J. Dollahite (2002) Food, Health, and Nutrient Supplements: Beliefs Among Food Stamp Eligible Women and Implications for Food Stamps Policy. Family Economics and Nutrition Review 14(2):21-35.
Pelletier, D.L., V. Kraak, C. McCullum, U. Uusitalo and R. Rich 2000. Values, Public Policy and Community Food Security.Agriculture and Human Values 17(1): 75-93.
Pelletier, D.L., V. Kraak, C. McCullum, U. Uusitalo and R. Rich (1999) Community Food Security: Salience and Participation at Community Level. Agriculture and Human Values 16(4):401-419.
Pelletier, D.L., V. Kraak, C. McCullum, U. Uusitalo and R. Rich (1999) The Shaping of Collective Values through Deliberative Democracy: An Empirical Study from New York's North Country. Policy Sciences 32:103-131.
Wilkins, J., V. Kraak, D.L. Pelletier, C. McCullum, and U. Uusitallo. (2001) Agreeing to Disagree on Genetic Engineering: Views from a Land Grant University. Sustainable Agriculture 18(2/3):167-201.
Pelletier, D.L., C. Olson and E.A. Frongillo, Jr. (2001) Food Security, Hunger and Undernutrition. IN: Present Knowledge in Nutrition, Eight Edition. B. Bowman and R. Russel (Eds), Washington, D.C.: ILSI Press.
Pelletier, D.L. (2003) A Framework for Improved Strategies. IN: Gillespie, S., M. McLachlan and R. Shrimpton (Eds.): Combating Malnutrition: Time to Act. Health, Nutrition and Population Series. Washington, DC: The World Bank.
Pelletier, D.L. (2002) Nutrition and Politics. IN: Nutrition: A Foundation for Development, Geneva: ACC/SCN.
D.L. (2008).Beyond Partial Analysis.Chapter 34, IN: Nutrition and Health in Developing Countries, 2nd edition.R. Semba and M. Bloem, Humana Press.