This readme file was generated on 2023-04-12 by Megan Barrington GENERAL INFORMATION Title of Dataset: Dataset for Quantifying Morphological Changes & Sediment Transport Pathways on Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko Author/Principal Investigator Information Name: Megan Barrington ORCID: 0000-0002-2900-713X Institution: Cornell University Address: 424 Space Sciences Building, Sciences Drive, Ithaca, NY 14850 Email: Author/Associate or Co-investigator Information Name: Samuel Birch ORCID: 0000-0002-4578-1694 Institution: Brown University Address: 301 Lincoln Field Building, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island Email: Author/Alternate Contact Information Name: Abhinav Jindal ORCID: 0000-0002-1158-3446 Institution: Cornell University Address: 424 Space Sciences Building, Sciences Drive, Ithaca, NY 14850 Email: Author/Alternate Contact Information Name: Alexander Hayes ORCID: 0000-0001-6397-2630 Institution: Cornell University Address: 412 Space Sciences Building, Sciences Drive, Ithaca, NY 14850 Email: Author/Alternate Contact Information Name: Paul Corlies ORCID: 0000-0002-6417-9316 Institution: Spectral Sciences Inc. Address: 4 Fourth Ave., Burlington, MA, 01803 Email: Author/Alternate Contact Information Name: Jean-Baptiste Vincent ORCID:0000-0001-6575-3079 Institution: DLR Institute of Planetary Research Address: Rutherfordstrasse 2 12489 Berlin, Germany Email: Abstract: These files contain data supporting the results reported in Barrington et al., 2023: Quantifying Morphological Changes and Sediment Transport Pathways on Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. In Barrington et al., 2023 we found the following: Comets are active geological worlds with primitive surfaces that have been shaped to varying degrees by sublimation-driven sediment transport processes and mass wasting process. Rosetta’s rendezvous with comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko (67P) in 2014 provided data with the necessary spatial and temporal resolutions to observe many evolutionary processes on micro-gravity worlds. Rosetta’s observations have thus far revealed that many changes to the surface occurred within 67P’s smooth terrains, vast sedimentary deposits that blanket a significant fraction of the nucleus. Understanding the global context of these changes, and therefore the sediment transport pathways that govern the evolution of 67P’s surface requires a thorough description of their changing morphologies, and an evaluation of existing global-scale spatial and temporal trends. Accordingly, we present a time-resolved synthesis of erosion and deposition activity on comet 67P as it passed through its August 13, 2015 perihelion from September, 2014 to August, 2016. Our mapping results indicate that, around perihelion, sediment is globally redistributed inter-regionally from 67P’s more active south to the north. Equally important, however, are local, topographically-influenced sediment transport processes, with large volumes of sediment moving intra-regionally over sub-kilometer distances. We also show evidence for regions of near-zero net erosion/deposition between approximately 30–60° N latitude, which may act as terminal sedimentary sinks, with remobilization of these materials hindered by multiple factors. Our work therefore provides the most complete mapping of sediment transport processes and pathways across 67P, a critical step toward understanding the global landscape evolution of both 67P and other comets. Subject Keywords: small body geology, surface evolution, change detection Sponsorship: This work was funded in part by a Rosetta Data Analysis Program grant #80NSSC19K1307 and by the Heising-Simons Foundation (51 Pegasi b Fellowship to S.B.). Date of data collection: June 2014 - August 2016 Geographic location of data collection: Rosetta Mission, Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: The Rosetta mission was funded by European Space Agency (ESA). SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: An ArcGIS license is required to open ArcMap projects. Links to publications that cite or use the data: Links to other publicly accessible locations of the data: Links/relationships to ancillary data sets: none Was data derived from another source? If yes, list source(s): This data is a collection of projection and shapefiles created for images that are publicly available on European Space Agency's Archive Image Browser, ESA/Rosetta/NAVCAM – CC BY-SA IGO 3.0 ( Recommended citation for this dataset: Barrington, Megan, Samuel Birch, Abhinav Jindal, Alexander Hayes, Paul Corlies and Jean-Baptiste Vincent. (2023) Dataset for Quantifying Morphological Changes & Sediment Transport Pathways on Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko [Dataset]. Cornell University Library eCommons Repository. METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION Data analysis tools and methods: Basemaps and layers were generated using ShapeViewer 3.0. The same capabilities are available in ShapeViewer 4.0 which is currently available at This is a publicly available software used to display three-dimensional models of comets and asteroids, simulate observations from space missions, and provides tools for mapping comet morphologies. These files were imported into ArcMap Desktop for image co-registration, analysis, and shapefile creation. DATA & FILE OVERVIEW File List: Folders: 1) Arc_Map_Projects: contains the project files (.mxd) to open and view projected images and shapefiles in ArcMap. 2)basemaps: contains .png files of images used as basemaps for change detection, and projection files (.pgwx, .xml) if basemap was projected. 3)lat_lon_images: contains .png files of basemaps with latitude and longitude lines projected for spatial measurements of changes, as well as .pgwx and .xml projection files when applicable. 4)layers: contains folders for each individual smooth terrain region. Each region folder contains .png files of layers as well as projection files for each layer (if projected) for co-registration. 5)shapefiles: contains folders for each individual smooth terrain region. Each folder contains shapefiles (.cpg, .dbf, .shp, .shx, .sbx, .sbn) for the locations of detected changes. Relationship between files: ArcMap projects will use basemaps (.png), projection files (.pgwx, .xml),layers (.png) and shapefiles (.cpg, .dbf, .shp, .shx, .sbx, .sbn) to view projected images and detected changes. File Naming Conventions: 1) Arc_Map_Projects: Files are named according to the region of smooth terrains being investigated in each project. 2) basemaps: files are named using the convention cubenumber_regionname_basemap where the cube number begins with N (Narrow Angle Camera) followed by the date and time of image collection in the following format, YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS, then followed by three digits in milliseconds the the filter name. 3) lat_lon_images: files follow the convention region_name_lat_lon_version_number where version number is only included if two or more versions exist. 4) layers: files follow the convention cubenumber_regionname_layer. 5) shape files: One folder exists for each region. The folder other contains shape files without region name identifiers which can be searched for and attributed to the appropriate project in ArcMap. Files in each folder follow the naming convention imagedate_regionname_changetype where image date is in the format YYYYMMDD. Additional related data collected that was not included in the current data package: none Are there multiple versions of the dataset? no Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: This data was collected using the Optical, Spectroscopic, and Infrared Remote Sensing Imaging System (OSIRIS) Narrow Angle Camera (NAC) on board the European Space Agency's Rosetta spacecraft. Methods for processing the data: Instrument- or software-specific information needed to interpret the data: ShapeViewer 3.0 used to produce basemaps and layers. ArcGIS 10.8.2 used for co-registration, image analysis and shapefile creation. Quality-assurance procedures performed on the data: phase angles between 45-90 degrees were selected for image analysis, with less than 10% of images used for analysis collected at more extreme phase angles. People involved with sample collection, processing, analysis and/or submission: Rosetta Science Team, European Space Agency, authors listed above.